It’s a wrap!


30 days
28 featured guests
485 party goers
Wasn’t that a party!!!


What a rich time this has been, one which has me realizing again what an incredible creative community (online and off) that I get to participate in. I’ve really enjoyed learning more about each one of you, and appreciate how candidly you’ve answered my questions. I can’t think of a better way to celebration National Poetry Month!

Below is our NaPoMo Poetry Party Featured Guest List, with links back to each guest’s post. So continue to enjoy and follow up with one another. Learn more about these incredible and unique creative beings who bring light to our needful world.

And if you find yourself mysteriously drawn to pick up a pen, or a paintbrush, or a camera, again for for the first time, I encourage to follow that inkling. Every art form is a gateway. Enter in, dear one.

With deep gratitude to each of you who have graced us with your presence.

Blessings, good health, and creative adventures,


List of Featured Guests

Joel Clements

Barbara Colebrook Peace

Karen Connelly

Gary Copeland Lilley

Brigitta Davidson

Chris Hancock Donaldson

Daniella Elza

Lesley-Anne Evans
(and again)

Malcolm Evans

Lowell Friesen

Malcolm Guite

Rawle James

Amanda Kelly

Deborah Lampitt-McConnachie

Anne Linington

Margaret Macpherson

Susan McCaslin

Nygel Metcalfe

Norm Millross

Richard Osler

Sally Quon

Jason Ramsey

Carmen Rempell

Harold Rhenisch

Robert Rife

Hillary Ross

Christine Valters Paintner

Bernadette Wagner

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Lowell Friesen is from Coldstream, British Columbia. He is the first of a few singer songwriter guests who’ll be dropping by. Lowell’s creativity spills over in a number of ways: he is an accomplished potter with a studio Nautilus Clayworks, a poet/lyricist, a talented musician, and also a co-steward of the land his family has tended for generations. It’s wonderful to have you here today, Lowell. And Happy Birthday tomorrow!

Here’s a link to your Facebook page so folk can check out some of your past and upcoming live stream music events.

As you know we’ve been asking everyone to share their thoughts around three questions related to the unique times we find ourselves in. Thanks for offering your insights here:

1. What is this quieter version of life teaching you?
I think this new, although I wouldn’t say quieter, life has clarified whats truly important. Things that needed doing just got done, my priorities shifted almost immediately and I felt myself become less selfish almost in an instant. Taking care of my family, creating an abundance mindset on the farm, helping those less fortunate, spreading joy, not fear, all became no brainers. Maybe that’s a sad reflection of my egotistical existence pre-covid.

2. We often say we wish we had more time for certain things. Having been given this gift of more time, what are you spending it on?
I don’t find that i have more time for anything, in fact, quite the opposite. There is so much work to be done. I’m working 7 days a week now with very little down time. I’m realizing the luxuriousness of my pre-covid life.

3. What is one surprising thing that happened today?
L: I
think the most surprising thing that happened today, and has been slowly happening these last few weeks is my new found faith in humanity, I’ve never witnessed kindness and compassion like this before, and I find myself quite pleasantly shocked at my love for my fellow sapiens, I thought I was too jaded to feel this kind of connection and love. ;)

You were telling me about your poem Poet King, and how when you wrote it you had just received a $20 cheque for the publication of another poem back in college and were so happy. I totally get that…the elated feeling of getting just a little bit of recognition, and cash, for something you love to do. Ah, the life of an artist! Belated congratulations, and thanks again for being part of this little gathering.

All the best,

Poet King

Today, I am The Poet King,
A Pulitzer of peculiar prose;
A laureate of ludicrous lament.
Today I am cashing the cheque
that I was going to frame,
my first million made-
signed over instead
to the taco temptress
to the burrito babe
who, sensing my jubilance
and catching on to my high-flung spirit,
gives me chipotle mayo
on the house-
with a sly wink,
and a smile.
Oh she knows who I am,
The Governor General's gift of gab.
The dream of every miniscule morpheme
To be more than what may seem,
I am the theme and form of abnormality
My thought and articulation,
the sensation of my reverberation
is the song that no other could sing
For I am-
The Poet King.