It’s a wrap!


30 days
28 featured guests
485 party goers
Wasn’t that a party!!!


What a rich time this has been, one which has me realizing again what an incredible creative community (online and off) that I get to participate in. I’ve really enjoyed learning more about each one of you, and appreciate how candidly you’ve answered my questions. I can’t think of a better way to celebration National Poetry Month!

Below is our NaPoMo Poetry Party Featured Guest List, with links back to each guest’s post. So continue to enjoy and follow up with one another. Learn more about these incredible and unique creative beings who bring light to our needful world.

And if you find yourself mysteriously drawn to pick up a pen, or a paintbrush, or a camera, again for for the first time, I encourage to follow that inkling. Every art form is a gateway. Enter in, dear one.

With deep gratitude to each of you who have graced us with your presence.

Blessings, good health, and creative adventures,


List of Featured Guests

Joel Clements

Barbara Colebrook Peace

Karen Connelly

Gary Copeland Lilley

Brigitta Davidson

Chris Hancock Donaldson

Daniella Elza

Lesley-Anne Evans
(and again)

Malcolm Evans

Lowell Friesen

Malcolm Guite

Rawle James

Amanda Kelly

Deborah Lampitt-McConnachie

Anne Linington

Margaret Macpherson

Susan McCaslin

Nygel Metcalfe

Norm Millross

Richard Osler

Sally Quon

Jason Ramsey

Carmen Rempell

Harold Rhenisch

Robert Rife

Hillary Ross

Christine Valters Paintner

Bernadette Wagner

NaPoMo poetry party.16


Hillary Ross’s energetic and enthusiastic spirit spills over into her creation of music, visual art, songwriting and poetry. Hillary splits her time between Kelowna, British Columbia and Redding, California, where she studies at the Bethel School of Ministry. Like many musicians during the time of COVID, Hillary is finding ways to share her music virtually.

One of your favourite quotes is this;

“You must do something to make the world more beautiful.” – Miss Rumphius

Let me just say you are doing this, Hillary! Last week I tuned in to a Facebook live concert you held with a friend and it was light-hearted, fantastical, and fun. You have a boundless number of ways of bringing beauty to the world, and I appreciate that about you.

Lesley-Anne: What is this quieter version of life teaching you, if in fact, it is quieter?

Hillary: The word that is ruminating over my spirit these days is selah; to pause and reflect. These days the minutes pass by like molasses and I am forced to either avoid my once unconscious mind or courageously unearth things I might have unintentionally hidden in my heart. This catharsis of tenderly and gracefully exploring places in my life where I have previously pushed pain aside has given me the courage to finally face grief, disappointment, expectations of where I believe I should be in life, deferred hope and unfulfilled promises. Giving myself permission to explore this sadness head on has brought an incredible joy and even though the pain has gone deeper, this gives joy the opportunity to do so as well.

This time is a gift in the midst of uncertainty and agony occurring in our world right now. In the slowing down, my roots have been firmly established, knit together and I have a greater appreciation for my own creativity than ever before and this immense equanimity of peace in my mind found when I yield and surrender control to God. When we surrender control our energy makes its way to the heart and we feel love more. Experiencing more love releases higher levels of oxytocin which suppresses the survival centres in the brain. It’s literally that 18 inch journey, you know that book we did that study on? I want to stay in this space and live from this overflow. Oxytocin signals nitric oxide which signals chemicals which cause our hearts to be filled with energy. We feel wholehearted and have more to give to each other.

Lesley-Anne: We often say we wish we had time for certain things. Are you spending your time differently in view of our current world challenges? If so, how?

Hillary: I am spending my time on taking naps and re-establishing my own natural circadian rhythm. Devotionals, morning journaling, yoga, long walks in fresh air, bike rides and writing more poetry as well. I am calling my Grandmother more and being more intentional with family and friends.

I have put on a mermaid themed quarantine concert with my friend and this week I am actually hosting a #StayHomeTour with a few friends from the west coast, follow my band @syrenandthewaves to catch the performances!

I recently released a new single which you can hear on Spotify and I have also organized, cleaned out everything and my next goal is to re-edit my book, Poems By A Mermaid. It is complete but I’ve been putting off publishing it as there’s a few simple spelling mistakes that are pretty hilarious and embarrassing. In one of the poems the line is supposed to read “Roots grow down deep” yet it says “Toots grow down deep.” How’s that for imagery?

Lesley-Anne: What is one surprising thing that happened today?

Hillary: Lately I am focusing on being a Christian Hedonist. What is that you might ask? Well I don’t believe in hedonism for selfish reasons but as for things of the Kingdom, I’m exploring how I can fully and wholeheartedly enjoy, lavish, linger, dwell and seek out beauty in every area of life. Polishing up my rose coloured glasses and saying yes to courage and my own dreams.

I am in a dance class and even though our class has moved onto a cyber platform we’re still able to connect, express and dance together. The activity we did today was to dance for April, May and June of 2020. When I danced for April I felt very strong and an anticipation for May. May is my birthday so each year I feel a similarity in that this year will be the greatest one yet! I danced powerfully and noticed that my body was wanting to move in ways I don’t normally move and this brought a greater level of confidence and freedom to myself. I gave myself permission to take up more space and expand my territory in the room. When I danced for June it felt like I was dancing with fulfilled promises over my life and a new perspective as I ended the dance in a headstand. Paradigms being turned upside down.

Here is one of Hillary’s favourite poems & a tiny piece of her art that goes along with it from her book Poems By a Mermaid. You can find and follow all of Hillary’s social media links at

Hillary it’s been great to host you today, and I hope everyone who joined us enjoyed meeting you.

Peace, and good health to you all,

Reach into my chest,
take what’s left.
Tend to this garden
with your elaborate hand.
I’m going to be more than okay is what they say.

Breathing deeper,
than ever before.
Laying here in your arms
of trustworthiness.
Blanket me all day in your presence.
open my minds eye to your constant love. 
Wash me in grace
Remove this brokenness.
I want to skip this process and
freely run from mountaintop to mountain top 
but I’m down in the valley
with a guitar for a gun,

streams in the wasteland,
singing you songs.

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