Tuesday poem 006


It’s been a while since I’ve posted a poem. Almost a month.

Forgive me.

I’m linking this poem to today’s Poetry Pub over at dVerse Poetry, answering host Victoria Slotto‘s request, “to post a descriptive poem in which images are used to describe a feeling, a truth you hold dear, a person, using primarily surroundings—in other words, an imagist poem that has an embedded message about whatever…”

This time

This is what it feels like –
first step, splinter of ice,
eyes fixed on the gleam of going,
no clear way out.
The walls tight
like winter,
hands bruising the throat of spring.
You blow halos on the frosted window,
birth pains to a small voice.
The air opens to your giving,
you can almost say the way.

Lesley-Anne Evans, 2013


  1. Damn it, girl, you really do have a gift. How I’d covet an opportunity to hang with you and just talk poetry for a few hours. I’ve literally immersed myself in it for months now. Good stuff here.



  2. Thank you my friend. All I can say is it’s a journey of a thousand steps, and I have only begun to walk, God taking me somewhere I do not know. I would love to talk poetry, anytime. You and your wee wifey HAVE TO come up!!! Hugs to all, LA



  3. hands bruising the throat of spring…what an evocative line…this is really cool…the halos on the frosted window….

    you may have missed OLN but i think this fits the MTB prompt up at dverse today…so plug it in there…



    1. Hi Brian ~ I dream of the day when I can speak the language of metaphor fluently, for now I continue to learn. Thanks for suggesting I plug in at dVerse today, I read the poetry pub description and request and linked in :)



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